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Color Meter

People with CVD usually cannot perceive the link between a color and its corresponding emotions and symbolic meanings. Color Meter helps to represent the emotional and symbolic links of a color by means of showing representative photos with the same primary color. By linking an unknown color to familiar 

Color Enhancer

By remapping the spectrum to a feasible range, Color Enhancer re-generates an image which can be easily read by people with CVD. This feature is especially important when reading colored maps or signs.

Color Seeker

Color Seeker first builds up three representative semantic and symbolic systems to overlap on original colors. For example, since “fire” is often connected to “red”, we overlap a layer of fire symbols on the area with red color. Using this function, colors on the targeted image will be labeled with different icons. If the user wants to be able to identify a color that is unperceivable for people of CVD, he could use the corresponding symbols to locate the color.



People with Color Vision Deficiencies (CVD) account for about 8% of the world population, which is a relatively high percentage compared to other defectives.

The lack of capability to distinguish certain colors causes problems on daily lives, such as misunderstanding the meaning of colored maps or signs, unable to identify immature fruit or raw meat, etc. What’s worse, pills labeled by color may be mistaken which is a matter of life and death.


Insights from Interview – We concluded the three most common needs for people with CVD. The first is to recognize colors which are confused to them. The second is to remap the colors on maps or signs for better readability. The last is to be able to identify a specific color using different assistant pattern-matching technologies. 

Eyes for People with Color Vision Deficiency

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